الجمعة، أكتوبر ٢٧، ٢٠٠٦

It's Wedding Time Again!!

thats right.
I bet some of you are extremely confused at this point.. how the... what?
Well its not my wedding. I'm just in a wedding tomorrow... wearing a gold bride's maid dress for one of my best friends. That is a sacrifice!
thats right, gold. actually its not too bad, if you don't focus on my amazing farmers tan. :)

But I guess on the same subject I would like to say that Nick and I got back together a couple weeks ago. Over the last two months we have sorted through a ton of stuff and realized that each other were more important than the career goals we dream of achieving. It seems so elementary in a relationship to put each other first, but when it comes down to the line and the future, it is hard to put dreams on hold. Our relationship definitely took a step up on the seriousness scale (if you can see me actually being serious, you know this was a huge breakthrough!) but don't worry, we won't be getting married for quite some time. I just thought I would share that piece of information with you and thank you for your support.

I guess as a quick update, I'm graduating in December and plan to stick around Newberg for awhile and live in the same house with 4 lovely ladies. If any of you have any advice for the next transition to ACTUAL adulthood, I would be all ears to hear it. Peace out.


الخميس، أكتوبر ٢٦، ٢٠٠٦

Pollution in Cairo link

I think it's a good thing my mother didn't know about these pollution figures before I left the country... http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/10/25/061025154932.f4vtr7nv.html

الثلاثاء، أكتوبر ٢٤، ٢٠٠٦

A new father

To add on to Emily's post :
It's 11:44 p.m. here in Cairo right now and in about 5 hours, Diaa will be on his way to America to see his new daughter. He was planning to leave on November 1, right before we leave for travel component, but the baby was planning differently and arrived 2 weeks ahead of schedule. Today was service project day so I wasn't in the office but I called Diaa around noon to talk to him about a few things and when I asked him how he was doing, his response was, "Well, there are a lot of things going on here . . . " and then he explained that Carol was in labour and we (Steve, Dave, and I) needed to have an early meeting to go over travel component details because he was going to the States a lot earlier than planned. A few hours later we all met at the villa and our meeting occurred simultaneously with Carol giving birth (as strange as that sounds). We'd talk about a few details of travel, and then Diaa would call Carol and he'd get off the phone and say something like, "the baby's head is showing!" and we'd all get excited, and then he'd say, "OK, let's keep talking about Syria." It was an almost surreal experience and when the baby finally made it out and we heard it cry on the phone, the beam on Diaa's face was amazing to see. I'm sad that Diaa couldn't have been there for the actual birth, but I'm happy that he'll be there tomorrow and it's wonderful that Diaa and Carol are now parents. The students started calling him "Poppa Diaa" as soon as they found out and as Emily said, the baby is healthy and well. Steve and I were pushing for the name "Stena" (we actually know an American girl here named "Stina") but Diaa just wasn't going for it. Momkin that can be her nickname :) You'll all be getting an "official" email soon giving an address where you can send Diaa and Carol your congratulations but for now, I was just so excited that I had to add on to Emily's post about this wonderful news.

Be blessed . . .

A baby is born

Diaa and Carol are proud parents of baby Maryam, born this morning October 24th. Baby and mamma are healthy, Maryam is 6lbs.
What a happy day for Carol and Diaa!

My prayer for each of you.....

Colossians 1:9-14

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

الأحد، أكتوبر ١٥، ٢٠٠٦

as a member of hezbollah

Tonight Chris and I had dinner with a former MK who grew up in Morocco. We were talking about fortune cookie endings. I assume most of you have heard at least one in your life - you read the fortune and then add something on like "in bed" or "in the bathroom." Well, apparently you can add on "as a member of hezbollah."
i.e.: Your ability to juggle many tasks will take you far (as a member of hezbollah)
Ingenuity will bring you great rewards (as a member of hezbollah)
Chris and I thought it was great but don't have anyone to share it with who will understand except MESPers.
Also, as a p.s. to the other post - we pulled out our wonderful comforter the other night and it is so warm. Thanks to all of you again.

الجمعة، أكتوبر ١٣، ٢٠٠٦

pictures, jobs... stuff

I've been woefully neglectful about posting a whole bunch of things on the blog, though I have kept up on all the things other people have posted. First of all, as many of you have probably already seen, wedding pictures are up online. www.pictage.com search for Micklewright - there's definitely only 1. Also, in other news of pictures, about a month ago, Chris and I became the proud new owners of a beautiful photograh by David Sacks as part of a fundraiser for Arab World Ministries. We received a postcard in the mail for the event which we had attended last year. The previous year's assignment had been in Morocco. I couldn't believe it when I read that this year's photos were all taken in Cities of the Dead and Garbage City. So Chris and I took our remaining wedding money and bid on "Grace" which you can see posted below. The big glowing spot isn't really in the picture - it's because I had to take the picture using a flash. But the rest of is just like what's hanging on our wall. Also, if you want to see a few more pictures from the assignment, go to http://www.davidsacks.com/a-personal.htm

Chris started grad school in September at Villanova. He enjoys studying, but the school's program doesn't fit his interests as well as hoped. He has one great teacher but in the area of math he's least interested in. It looks like he will be designing a lot of his courses himself and completing them as independant studies. Great for resume experience, but frustrating for a grad program that he hopes will take him on to a doctorate. I've been taking Fridays off from my day care job to search for a job that will apply something more of my passions for social justice and international anything, but no luck so far. Development work is so hard to break into. I like my day care job well enough... or at least my kids... but I wish I could be doing something career oriented instead of just making the ends meet. If anyone hears about a great organization in the Philly area, send it along. I might start volunteering soon because at least that will give me a start on experience.
We love our little apartment. Andrew, it's 119A Pennsylvania Ave. Wayne, PA 19087 - now you know how to get here when you take your crazy trip. ;-)
I think I'm starting to ramble so I won't keep dragging on. One last thing. I've changed my email address to be "more professional". heatherjoy.micklewright at gmail.com

i wish i had more to say

anyone up for a reunion?...that's what i figured
sorry about the underlining; i cannot figure out how to change it.

it's cold here, but probably is everywhere (cold like in the 30's for high)

all i've been doing lately is working from literally before sunrise to after sunset. while i enjoy it, i think i'm going to do something else after january-something like travel the world or road trip the U.S. or both. if anyone is not willing to give me a place to sleep please say so now so i do not show up on your doorstep. this is not to imply that if you are willing to put me up for a night i will surely visit, but i might.

الخميس، أكتوبر ٠٥، ٢٠٠٦


Wow, it's been a while since I've posted as well. Life is very interesting married. I love it and wouldn't change it for the world. Can I just say again how absolutly wonderful it was to see so many of you at the wedding? The gift blew Andrew and I away- what a beautiful bed set! We have it on our bed now. Attached below are some of my favorit pictures from the wedding.

Andrew and I are parents!!!! It's a boy, four months old, and his name is Chandler. He is an American short-hair mix kitty and I am feeling like the cruellest mommy ever as we're taking him in Thursday morning to be declawed. It's really a major surgery, and won't he miss his claws? However, I've had to wear turtle necks to work all week to conceal the GOUGES he has created on my neck, chest, arms, and legs. So, I'll be excited not to have to use so much antibiotic everyday.

Andrew's company, Quicken Loans / Rock Financial, is opening a new office in Scottsdale, Arizona. Out of 500 employees, Andrew was one of 50 selected to go to Scottsdale and help open and run the new office. I'm very excited and proud for him, as he's only been at Quicken since January and he really has done exceptionaly well. They're flying us out at the begiining of November to look for an apartment or house, and then we'll move out at the first of the year. I'm very excited, but at the same time, I have to admit that I'm nervous about school and career opportunities for myself when we move out there. We're telling my parents this weekend (we just found out on Monday night). That's going to be hard- my parents don't travel much and they'll hate that they can't see me whenever. But this move is great great great for Andrew and will open (hopefully!) a bunch of new doors for myself. I'll be praying about it.

I think that's all the updating for now. Enjoy the pictures!!!
