الجمعة، فبراير ٢٢، ٢٠٠٨

Lindsay update

Hey all,
I as well haven't checked the blog out in awhile. It was nice to hear about Heather and Chris and a little bit of Chelsea too! Its crazy to thinkthe lives we are leading now, isin't it? Well as for me, I am an educational assistant at an elementary school here inNewberg, OR. Its acutally a lot of fun. I've submitted a few applications to graduate schools for Environmental Policy and sustainable development and am waiting to hear back from them sometime in late March, early April. Someitmes I feel as though our lives (Nick and I) are constantly in a state of apprehension or waiting..waiting for the next step, waiting for the next place to go. But we have been blessed with an amazing community here. Nick and I will be leading a group of high schoolers (8 of them) on a trip to Rwanda for three weeks this summer. Nick and I have both been there already, on separate occasions, and jumped at the opportunity to get paid to lead a trip of highs choolers to expand their world view. that is essentially what the goal of the trip is. We were scheduled to lead a young Life trip down to Mexico, but it has since been cancelled due to safety precautions. I guess there have been numerous incidents of desperate Mexicans posing as police officers or officials, holding up vans of Americans; holding the men to gun point while they rape the women. and then they let them go. So taking young highschool girls and boys on a trip down to Mexico for spring break had to be cancelled. I was bummed at first, but really, can you conscientiously say let's just go anyway? especially when there are young lives in your hands? I couldn't. so maybe if you have a spare moment, pray for those Mexicans who are committing these acts. It is very disturbing and pray for their hearts.
Well my lunch break is over, so I gotta get back to the kindergarten classroom. yikes! Heather, I don't know how you come home with energy, working with toddlers all day. :)

Much love,
