الجمعة، يونيو ٢٢، ٢٠٠٧

dang, what happened?? oh right... weddings galore!

Hey everyone! its been quite awhile, and I'm so sorry for not updating sooner. I have a new address, and as I've been reading and catching up on the MESP blog, my address seems to have been the subject of a couple questions.. so here it is: Nick and Lindsay Chapman/18260 North Valley Rd/Newberg, OR 97132. Its a little apartment above some friends from the church's garage. pretty small but really, what more do you need than a bedroom, a bathroom, a table, a kitchen, and 18 stairs to keep that butt lookin good? :)
I thought I'd post a few pics from our honeymoon in Bermuda. it was beautiful! sometimes I felt like I was in a postcard. The mode of transportation for tourists over there is strictly mopeds so we rented a double moped and rode all around the island. We could traverse the whole island from one end to the other and back within half a day, so it wasn't that big, which made traveling to little "undiscovered coves" easy. A few days we went to different beaches and were the only ones there! it was very rejuvenating after the whole wedding thing. We don't even have our wedding pics yet, but when I get them, I'll post a couple. :) Married life is great! its nice to be able to come home to the person you want to spend all your time with anyway. :) even if coming home means at 1am due to a pizza delivery job (which I am currently employed in and actually love it. But seeing as how it is not my life aspiration to be a pizza delivery driver, I am looking for other jobs/grad school... future... oy.) It was great to see the MESPers that could make it. I loved and was touched by your sacrifice of time in the car to come sit through a rainy wedding. haha! but the cool part was, and I know it was all God, was that it rained before the wedding, and then it stopped raining for about 20 minutes while we said our vows and did the ceremony thing, and then as we were walking down to the reception hall, it started raining again. God is good. :) alright, well here are some pics. hope you enjoy them and I hope my post goes through!

~Lindsay...... Chapman

الاثنين، يونيو ١٨، ٢٠٠٧

are you coming?

Hello friends, just a short note because there's a huge pile of things that need to get done.

Anyway, I haven't heard from many of you about whether or not you are planning to attend our wedding this summer. If you could just respond to scottandmargaret at g mail dot com sometime this coming week, that would be most excellent.


الجمعة، يونيو ٠٨، ٢٠٠٧

email changes and the like

Dear MESPers,
Well, I've got a package for Lindsay and Nick, and one for Corrine and Jarod. I can't find Evan's registry and I'll be emailing Margaret later to find out hers. But anyway, as I've been trying to tackle these things, it occured to me that a lot of us have changed our emails since we last saw each other. (If anyone knows Lindsay's email, it's an okay substitute for the address). Anyway, I thought it might be good to update each other on recent emails.
Mine is my first and middle names (heatherjoy) period (.) new last name (micklewright) at gmail dot come. Hope to hear from more of you soon. Love, Heather Joy