الجمعة، يناير ١٩، ٢٠٠٧
الخميس، يناير ١١، ٢٠٠٧
The old fiance just reminded me to make a request for you peoples' addresses. If you would kindly email your current address (to which we will be able to send an invitation for our wedding celebration party) to my email address, we would be forever grateful. The email address is m+my last name at g and then mail dot com.
Things are well here with me and mine. Scott and I are about to swing into full wedding preparation mode. Sigh. Elopement is looking pretty inviting right about now.
As for my life professional wise, teaching is going well. Today I had this mushy, feel-good moment when I looked around my classroom and realized that I love each and every one of my students. I complain about them sometimes, but really do love my job.
Scott, one of my roommates, and I are watching Star Wars Episode IV right now. Oh yeah, and I'm planning for tomorrow (right . . . .)
I'll end with a picture of Scott and I in his old car. (Oh the jetta.)
Things are well here with me and mine. Scott and I are about to swing into full wedding preparation mode. Sigh. Elopement is looking pretty inviting right about now.
As for my life professional wise, teaching is going well. Today I had this mushy, feel-good moment when I looked around my classroom and realized that I love each and every one of my students. I complain about them sometimes, but really do love my job.
Scott, one of my roommates, and I are watching Star Wars Episode IV right now. Oh yeah, and I'm planning for tomorrow (right . . . .)
I'll end with a picture of Scott and I in his old car. (Oh the jetta.)

الأربعاء، يناير ١٠، ٢٠٠٧
Pictures from Jordan
Here are some pictures from our two weeks in Jordan. We had such a wonderful time.
Corrine, Mabrook on your marriage, we want to see some pictures when you are back from your honeymoon.
Marcia and Andrew I hope your trip to Indonesia is going well. We are praying for you.
It is snowing in Newberg....not much but it is snow :-)
love Emily
Here are some pictures from our two weeks in Jordan. We had such a wonderful time.
Corrine, Mabrook on your marriage, we want to see some pictures when you are back from your honeymoon.
Marcia and Andrew I hope your trip to Indonesia is going well. We are praying for you.
It is snowing in Newberg....not much but it is snow :-)
love Emily
الاثنين، يناير ٠٨، ٢٠٠٧
blue skys
I always wondered what it would be like to pack up and move to a new place to begin anew. So here I am, 2000 miles from home, in a beautiful but sadnly sunless apartment in Chandler, Arizona (it's a suburb of Phoenix) with my husband and cat, who incedentally is also named Chandler :) The drive, especially the stint throught the New Mexico mountains, reminded me so much of our travel component. Maybe because we spent three full days in the car? We got in last Thursday morning and I start a new job on Wednesday as a Management Intern with Arizona State University. Basically I'll be helping with planning and administrative duties for the student development office. It's not my dream job, but it's an in and is going to challenge me. I'm excited and nervous- excited for all the possibilities but afraid that I'm not going to be good enough to make them all happen. Also, I'm applying for Grad school here in the fall- political science with a concentration in international affairs. Can we say nonexistent free time? Oh I think so!!
Andrew and I love it so far (it's BIG out here), and the weather is perfect today. I love reading everyone's posts- it's so neat to see where everyone is all over the globe and what paths we have taken. And it's been two years!!!! I cant believe it- time has been flying. Love you all. If you're ever near AZ, stop on by.
Andrew and I love it so far (it's BIG out here), and the weather is perfect today. I love reading everyone's posts- it's so neat to see where everyone is all over the globe and what paths we have taken. And it's been two years!!!! I cant believe it- time has been flying. Love you all. If you're ever near AZ, stop on by.
الخميس، يناير ٠٤، ٢٠٠٧
Back from Jordan
Hi all,
Brad and I just got back from Jordan on the 1st. Families we don't see very often and two weeks of vacation make for a great combination. It was really hard to leave and come back to our adult jobs :-) We had such a fun time hanging out with my family and visiting amazing places. The day after christmas we went to Jerusalem for a couple days. We visited the old city and all the sites in torential down pours which turned to SNOW by the end of the day. Everyone got through the Israeli border in about 10 minutes and it took me 2 hours of being questioned by guards because of my little syrian stamp. Lets just say towards the end I kind of snapped. It was amazing seeing all the sites and feeling the tension in the most holy city. We also all had dinner with Dr. Holt on our first night there. We had a good time catching up, he hasn't changed a bit, but has a beard now :-)
My parents christmas present to us all was a nights stay in a hotel by Petra and a full day exploring the place. We saw old crusader castels and Brad floated in the dead sea, it was way to chilly for me. I thought about you all often as we were in Jordan.
Our little apartment seems a lot smaller after being in my parents HUGE house and very quiet. We are both back at work and having a hard time staying awake because of jet lag. I hope you all had a good Christmas and a happy New Year. I will post some pictures when I get organized.
love Emily
Brad and I just got back from Jordan on the 1st. Families we don't see very often and two weeks of vacation make for a great combination. It was really hard to leave and come back to our adult jobs :-) We had such a fun time hanging out with my family and visiting amazing places. The day after christmas we went to Jerusalem for a couple days. We visited the old city and all the sites in torential down pours which turned to SNOW by the end of the day. Everyone got through the Israeli border in about 10 minutes and it took me 2 hours of being questioned by guards because of my little syrian stamp. Lets just say towards the end I kind of snapped. It was amazing seeing all the sites and feeling the tension in the most holy city. We also all had dinner with Dr. Holt on our first night there. We had a good time catching up, he hasn't changed a bit, but has a beard now :-)
My parents christmas present to us all was a nights stay in a hotel by Petra and a full day exploring the place. We saw old crusader castels and Brad floated in the dead sea, it was way to chilly for me. I thought about you all often as we were in Jordan.
Our little apartment seems a lot smaller after being in my parents HUGE house and very quiet. We are both back at work and having a hard time staying awake because of jet lag. I hope you all had a good Christmas and a happy New Year. I will post some pictures when I get organized.
love Emily