الاثنين، مايو ٢٩، ٢٠٠٦

hello everyone

because posting has been slow, i'll say a few words.

i went to minneapolis this weekend to see checka and had a fabulous time. however, i was only there for a total of 12 hours which is hardly enough time to catch up on life.

it's hot here - over 95 degrees


الجمعة، مايو ١٩، ٢٠٠٦


Yes Chris, I said I'd let you know. So . . . in a few months I will be moving to Abbotsford, British Columbia. Once there and settled in, I will begin my first year of teaching. I will be teaching a course called humanities--a blend of Social Studies, English, and Bible--to two sections of grade nine students, and then two sections of regular English to grade 10 or 11 students. It's a one year contract, but I'm optimistic that it could turn into more than that--otherwise I'll be on the job hunt again next spring. I'm pretty pumped. I actually went to this high school for three years before my family moved to Iowa, so it's like going home. I know a lot of the teachers--many of them taught me, which will be strange at first, but has the potential for a lot of joy. I've known the principal for many years, and he sounded genuinely joyful that I will be coming back. This new development feels right--like a circling of my life. God is good.

Scott hopes to move to Abbotsford as well in the fall. He's applied for a few jobs already. So prayers on that front as well.

الثلاثاء، مايو ١٦، ٢٠٠٦

Are you coming?

Hey guys, I have a small favor to ask. I think a lot of you didn't send back your RSVP things for the wedding because being as were so spread out, it seemed like more of a formality to say you obviously couldn't make it. Or more hopefully, attemps at plans are in the works, but anyway, at hte end of this week I have to start giving counts to the caterer and stuff so if you see this and are one of those who didn't send your card back or already tell me you can't come, could you please leave a yea or nay post? Thanks a million. So far I know Liz and Andrew and Claire and her mom and Evan are coming. Any other takers?
Chelsea, don't feel bad about your spelling - I think mine was worst(est). Much love to you all.

Look what I found! (or, Dang I look good in a four cornered hat)

That's right! It's a Paul! incidentally, he is heading back to work fee Masr too. He tells me that our long-distance relationship is not working and I am no longer the Queen of his heart. He tells me that he needs a re-invite to the blog as well. Maybe we can bring this lost sheep of Gordon back into the fold of collective e-communication even if, as I am afraid, my long term hopes are dashed. I knew I should not have messed around with Oxford.

Anyway, I don't have a picture of this, but one Mr. Stephen Byers was gracious enough to pick me up at the airport. He was also gracious enough not to disown me as a friend or dump hot liquid on my head when my flight was delayed for 3 hours....leaving him stuck in Boston on a day when he should have been packing and spending precious goodbye hours on campus. This was more than good of him, as my nerves were a little frayed after sitting on the tarmac in London for 3 hours as a hydraulic leak spilled stuff onto the ground, fire engines gathered around the plane, and we were instructed to unbuckle our seatbelts to make for a speedier evacuation...just in case.

The positive upshot of this delay was an extra round of the free beveredge cart, and being able to watch Brokeback Mountain, Nanny McFee, Chariots of Fire, and Some Stupid Romantic Comedy With That Girl From The Sitcom Friends. (though not in that order.) Back to the point, which is that Steve is truly a kind soul. You knew that, though, so onto stuff that is actually news.

So. Paul and Steve are done and graduated. Steve made it onto the senior class slideshow a couple of times, including in that pink pig ballet costume. Chelsea, meanwhile, has six papers left to write and is feeling super unmotivated now that she has marched to the tune of pomp and circumstance, received diploma [*cough* diploma folder] and shaken the Gordon president's hand in front of her class, friends, family, and God. (also not in that order)

So. I am going to wear my four cornered hat, with the tassle on the LEFT hand side, as I sit doing research in the library and weep.

الاثنين، مايو ١٥، ٢٠٠٦


well everyone, i've graduated. a lot of my friends are around all summer though, so i still feel very much like a student enjoying summer vacation. I am working on the farm until december or so and then i hope to travel and head to the middle east to find something to do. hopefully some of you will be there so i will have people to visit.

i wish i had more to write about, but i do not. Iowa is still here and pretty normal, but fun! this week is the splendid tulip festival. it is three days with lots of parades, food, and people (usually over 150,000 - that's a lot for this little town).

hopefully you are all swell,

الخميس، مايو ١١، ٢٠٠٦

adventures begin

Hello to all of you from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I live here now. Well, for the summer at least. I work at a smoothie shop called Booster Juice. It's pretty fun. Or it's work at least. My favorite part is that I can take the bus to work every day. It makes me feel good not to have to rely on a gas burning vehicle.

Tomorrow I'm going on an adventure. I have an interview at Abbotsford Christian School in Abbotsford, B.C. I've been in contact with the principals of the middle and high schools--they've talked to me about three different positions. I'm hoping that the multiple options is a good sign. I'm also hoping that the fact that they're flying me half-way across the country is a good sign. My interview is on Friday, and I'd appreciate your prayers. Here comes the rest of my life! Eeek! Oh, and I also get to see my friends in B.C. It will be a good time. I will let you all know how it goes.

Hope you are all well.

الأحد، مايو ٠٧، ٢٠٠٦

Back from wherever I was

Hey all,

I realize I might have fallen off the end of the earth, but really, I just was at school and ceased communicating with most everyone besides those in my immediate vacinity. Anyways, the semester is now over and I am home for summer break, working and hanging out for the time being. It's been a good year all around, and a lot of fun living with Jenna this last semester. My sister got married in March, so there was lots of planning and helping with that.

Sorry to say I won't be able to join you all for the wedding (Chris and Heather's), though sounds like great fun and I will be waiting to see some pictures! For Chris and Heather, if I wanted to send a card, what address would I send that to?

السبت، مايو ٠٦، ٢٠٠٦

Great News

We have some GREAT news! No we are not having a baby......Brad did graduate last weekend with his Masters in Teaching.......also Brad just got the phone call today from Sherwood Middle School and he was offered a job teaching 6th grade, social studies and language arts. Needless to say he accepted right away. He still has to meet with the superintendent to make it official but we are very excited. There were two openings, one in 6tgrad and one in 7t grade and they were fighting for him. Brad will be teaching right next to the 6t grade class we worked in for the last month. He really likes the all the 6tgrade teachers at this middle school, quite a few are men and they all laugh and have a great time together.

I am very proud of my husband and I knew he would get a job sooner than later. It was funny because throughout this whole process of interviews, I was the one who wasn’t worried about it and I had peace that he would get a job….Brad was the worried wreck. That is the beauty of marriage; your strengths and weaknesses compliment each other and help to strengthen the other person when they are feeling weaker.

Thank you for all you who have prayed for us during this time, I know it wouldn’t have happened without God. This is exactly where Brad wanted to teach.
Love you all! Emily (and Brad who is out golfing right now with his friends