Look what I found! (or, Dang I look good in a four cornered hat)
That's right! It's a Paul! incidentally, he is heading back to work fee Masr too. He tells me that our long-distance relationship is not working and I am no longer the Queen of his heart. He tells me that he needs a re-invite to the blog as well. Maybe we can bring this lost sheep of Gordon back into the fold of collective e-communication even if, as I am afraid, my long term hopes are dashed. I knew I should not have messed around with Oxford.

Anyway, I don't have a picture of this, but one Mr. Stephen Byers was gracious enough to pick me up at the airport. He was also gracious enough not to disown me as a friend or dump hot liquid on my head when my flight was delayed for 3 hours....leaving him stuck in Boston on a day when he should have been packing and spending precious goodbye hours on campus. This was more than good of him, as my nerves were a little frayed after sitting on the tarmac in London for 3 hours as a hydraulic leak spilled stuff onto the ground, fire engines gathered around the plane, and we were instructed to unbuckle our seatbelts to make for a speedier evacuation...just in case.
The positive upshot of this delay was an extra round of the free beveredge cart, and being able to watch Brokeback Mountain, Nanny McFee, Chariots of Fire, and Some Stupid Romantic Comedy With That Girl From The Sitcom Friends. (though not in that order.) Back to the point, which is that Steve is truly a kind soul. You knew that, though, so onto stuff that is actually news.
So. Paul and Steve are done and graduated. Steve made it onto the senior class slideshow a couple of times, including in that pink pig ballet costume. Chelsea, meanwhile, has six papers left to write and is feeling super unmotivated now that she has marched to the tune of pomp and circumstance, received diploma [*cough* diploma folder] and shaken the Gordon president's hand in front of her class, friends, family, and God. (also not in that order)
So. I am going to wear my four cornered hat, with the tassle on the LEFT hand side, as I sit doing research in the library and weep.

Anyway, I don't have a picture of this, but one Mr. Stephen Byers was gracious enough to pick me up at the airport. He was also gracious enough not to disown me as a friend or dump hot liquid on my head when my flight was delayed for 3 hours....leaving him stuck in Boston on a day when he should have been packing and spending precious goodbye hours on campus. This was more than good of him, as my nerves were a little frayed after sitting on the tarmac in London for 3 hours as a hydraulic leak spilled stuff onto the ground, fire engines gathered around the plane, and we were instructed to unbuckle our seatbelts to make for a speedier evacuation...just in case.
The positive upshot of this delay was an extra round of the free beveredge cart, and being able to watch Brokeback Mountain, Nanny McFee, Chariots of Fire, and Some Stupid Romantic Comedy With That Girl From The Sitcom Friends. (though not in that order.) Back to the point, which is that Steve is truly a kind soul. You knew that, though, so onto stuff that is actually news.
So. Paul and Steve are done and graduated. Steve made it onto the senior class slideshow a couple of times, including in that pink pig ballet costume. Chelsea, meanwhile, has six papers left to write and is feeling super unmotivated now that she has marched to the tune of pomp and circumstance, received diploma [*cough* diploma folder] and shaken the Gordon president's hand in front of her class, friends, family, and God. (also not in that order)
So. I am going to wear my four cornered hat, with the tassle on the LEFT hand side, as I sit doing research in the library and weep.
Also I realize that the word is spelled "beveridge," but I do not feel like going back and editing it.
Paul's reinvite is pending new email. Give me his/your new email and I'll think about a reinvite.
his = paul.case@gordon.edu
mine = chelsea.clarke@gordon.edu
THINK about it? doan make me come out der.
i'm glad you're alive bolos
Doesn't Gordon cut you off after you graduate?
no, gordon loves its alumni
Okay. I'll reinvite him. I suppose...
fein Bolos? I hear talk of him, but have yet to read his blessed words. Bolos? Bolos?
I don't know why I felt so reluctant to reinvite Paul...maybe all this blog administrator power is making me a little fiesty. Keep in mind Andrew U. and Barrett also have the power. Just to set the record straight I did reinvite Bolos at least a week ago and note, we have yet to hear from the long lost MESPer... I think it was different with you because at least we all knew you were alive and well via Heazther. Okay love to all the people I'm out.
Marcia, you were always feisty.
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