الأحد، مارس ٢٦، ٢٠٠٦

short random thoughts

for those who care, spring break was oodles of fun. Dena and I went deep into coal country in eastern kentucky. our adventures were numerous and would have been endless but we had to get back to school. So here i am with little to say without writing a novel. Life in Iowa is still good. We've been clobbered by snow a few times again lately. I'm not sure where spring is but i'm ready for it.
I have a job until Janurary so i guess that's good news.
Is anyone (males) applying for the MESP internship for next year? i didn't think i'd ever do it, but lately a lot of things have been pointing me to apply...i think i'd like to do it now.
i just cracked open a self-brewed beer and it is surprisingly good; i didn't really know what to expect.
For anyone in the Twin Cities (or anyone interested in going): what weekend works for me (maybe dena and margaret) to come up there?
I'm thinking about heading west in my car. is anyone interested in going with me?
Is anyone very certain about attending weddings this summer? (besides those in them)
My dog is ripping apart one of my old stuffed animals; gotta go

الخميس، مارس ٢٣، ٢٠٠٦

New news

Josiah - I thought you might want to read this, since you wrote about it earlier. If you want to check out the rest of the article it's at http://sympaticomsn.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20060319/afghanistan_convert_060322

PM calls Karzai to express concern over Christian

CTV.ca News Staff
Prime Minister Stephen Harper phoned Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai Wednesday to express his concerns about an Afghan man facing a death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity.
"President Karzai listened to my concerns and we had a productive and informative exchange of views," Harper said in a written statement.
"Upon the conclusion of the call, he assured me that respect for human and religious rights will be fully upheld in this case."
Meanwhile, The United Church of Canada is suggesting Ottawa use its position in Afghanistan -- with 2,200 troops in the country's south as part of a Canadian-led multinational brigade -- to promote human rights.
These rights include "the rights of Afghans to choose and change religion without fear of losing their lives,'' the letter to Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay said.

الأربعاء، مارس ٢٢، ٢٠٠٦


Hi all,
Last weekend I kidnapped my habibee and took him on a weekend getaway to the beach...it was so much fun. Since I don't get any time off during spring break (welcome to the working world) it was a fun mini vacation. The weather was sunny and gorgeous which is not usual at the beach here in OR....and we took long walks on the beach, bonfires at night, shopping, watched movies.
Hope you all have a safe and fun vacation. Enjoy the picture, we actually got someone to take it of us so it isn't of JUST OUR FACES like most of the pictures.
love you all,

الخميس، مارس ١٦، ٢٠٠٦

ta da

Emily asked for a picture. Here is a picture of Scott and I taken last weekend at a wedding in Eastern Iowa. Actually, it was my good friend Jack's wedding. I was an usher. This is after the rehearsal dinner when we were pretending that we weren't still in Iowa. Sorry, you can't really see his face. The beer is in the way.

It's snowing here. I don't know what's wrong with this place. I'm thinking about going on strike.

In other news, I'm probably moving up to Winnipeg for the summer. Leaving in approximately two weeks. Nothing else exciting happens here. Dordt is on spring break, which means that the campus is dead. Dena and Andrew should return from their galavanting soon. Yes, that would be nice.

Dena just chastized me for putting a picture of Scott on the blog in which you COULDN'T EVEN SEE HIS FACE. I don't see anyone else complaining. Here's one he took with his new digital camera toy of him and one of his clients. He's a residential care worker at a group home of sorts. And yes, he wears that hat ALL THE TIME!

الجمعة، مارس ١٠، ٢٠٠٦

Start making your rally plans

Hey guys, good news for anyone thinking about making the genocide rally in DC on April 30th. Chris' mom gave the okay for us to stay at the Micklewright house. It means lodging is free and we get to see each other but we'll have to leave early to get to DC. Chris lives about 1 1/2 hours south of Washington D.C. We would be able to drive up to a metro station and take the train into the city. So let us know what you're thinking for who and how and when and all that good stuff. Hope to see some of you (twice or thrice this summer depending on how many events people make :0)).

الخميس، مارس ٠٩، ٢٠٠٦

Sorry if the picture is too disgusting

Today was a normal day until about noon. I took off for a city named Sioux Falls to bring a girl to the airport. While there, i meandered (sp?) to a small shop that sells brewing equipment...and coffee. After a lengthy conversation with the older woman who runs the place (her mom is Dutch:) and the college girl that helps her, I found myself purchasing a large glass jar called a carboy along with some hopps, malt, crushed malt barley, yeast, and a few other things. Needless to say, my kitchen (and now basement) has been transformed into a very small brewery :) I'm excited because tomorrow i head to Kentucky with Dena which means the fermentation time will pass much more quickly for me. Also this afternoon a piece of wood jumped off of the table saw and hit my dad in the eye...he got 17 stitches and a black eye and he was only mad because this was his first table saw accident in 25 years as a carpenter. He's fine; he didn't even want to leave work or go home for the afternoon after the stitches but his coworkers and pseudo boss made him.
It seems as though excitement (if i don't try to find it) in Sioux County (and maybe everywhere?) sits back forever and then all decides to unload in one afternoon.

If anyone comes to visit i will provide free beer...even if it tastes bad :)
