الجمعة، نوفمبر ١١، ٢٠٠٥

Don't read unless you are bored

On Thursday nights, one of the two bars in Dordt Town has Thirsty Thursday's in which a pitcher of beer is $4...not a bad price, really. While this may sound evil, it is actually often a full bar with mostly Dordt students who sit around and discuss anything. Believe it or not, it is overall a great atmosphere (except for those that drink too much).
Anyhow, this evening i went there with my roomates to have a glass each and contemplate life (and my rooomates birthday). I thought a few of you might find this funny, ironic, or at least slightly humorous (hopefully) because tonight i did not get carded at the door because the owner of the bar was there. Turns out he knows me because i often haul corn to the grain elevator that he owns. As i pulled out my lovely Iowa driver's license he said, "Go ahead, you bring me corn. I guess there is more than monetary value in commodities... It's an odd connection that i did not think about right away. However, as he continued to card every other single person entering the bar regardless of age, i realized how small-town this all was. While i am not a regular, it's scary and maybe even pseudo prestigious to think that i have suddenly "moved up" (arguably:) to the rank of "Person who needs no I.D. at the local bar"
It's time to move...?

If you made it this far, I'm sorry; that's all that's really happening around good old Sioux Center...o, that and Dena was studying for a test.

Mr. ANdrew


Blogger Dunkleburger said...

haha, i usually hesitate to write anything like that, but nothing else has really gone on around here.
i think i'll be heading out to colorado to ski/snowboard sometime second semester...i'll let you know

٣:٣٣ ص  
Blogger Margaret said...

Barrett, you really should come visit. Small town life is something else . . . . You'd have a good time--we always do.

٥:٢٨ ص  

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