Fall has come to Oregon

Carving pumpkins
Corn mazes
Trees that were brilliant colors and now are naked
And pumkin shakes are in at Burgerville (which makes Brad really happy)
What do all those mean?? That fall is here and winter is just around the corner. This might just be my favorite season. Maybe because it is still so foreign to me having been in good old masr so many years.
I thought I would give you all a little update about MESP and then life here in Oregon. Dave, I and the intern have corresponded quite a bit this semester. Which has been fun but kind of weird not being there. Their travel component starts tomorrow...and guess what... they are all going to Israel/Palestine this year (instead of Jordan). I was jealous......how about all of you guys! Please pray for their safety and the logistics, Dave is a little nervous I think but really excited. Oh and do you guys remember Rebekah Chan (my roommate for a bit). Well she moved to Jordan and is teaching English and learning Arabic there.
Life in Oregon is going well. Brad has been really REALLY busy with school the last week. Last weekend was really wonderful being able to hang out together. I have started working out twice a week..and boy that has been hard to start. I am still babysitting the cutest little 1 year old. It is bad for me to do because when I leave him I want to have kids of my own. Then I realise that I would have to be with them more than 2 hours once a week and the responsibility of it all becomes a reality. We will wait a while longer to have kids :-)
It has been fun this semester to hang out with my sister more and get to know her on a different level. We are enjoying the church that we attend and have been able to connect with a group from a sunday school class. Random piece of info...last night I went to the dentist an low and behold he was LEBANESE. I tell you people from the Middle East find you when you least expect it.
I love reading all your blogs, it gives me a fun little break from work. Brad and I won't be able to make it to the reunion, although I wish we could. If life wasn't run by vacation time or money then we would be there! We are promised to Brad's family for the whole of Christmas break...and then I am back at work and will be leading a serve trip most probably. Sharing the holidays has started...let the madness begin.
love you all,
emily, i might be in eugene for a wedding on the 7th of january (hopefully). if so, i stop by to say hello.
i forgot to say nice pumpkins; i don't believer i have ever seen one that large in real life
hey I wanna come too--to Brielle's wedding and to see Emaily. (Except I don't know where I'll be. Mumkin we'll plan later.)
Oh that would be really fun. I will be here in Oregon. I can offer a meal and a foton in the middle of our one bedroom apartment to sleep on :-) I can also meet you (and you too margaret) in Eugene!
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