Dena I am so proud of you! You will be a great MESP intern. Just remember to take the students to Spectra Cafe at least once a week to regain your sanity when Cairo gets to hard to handle. Oreo Madness or Brownies and Icecream tend to melt away Cairo blues.
And Jenna Mabrook as well. You and Dena will make great roommates. What a good support system you will be for each other. And Jenna you probably will get to go on all the fun weekend trips :-) What is the name of the school you will be teaching at? Is it the school that we went and heard all about? We are thinking of going to Cairo next year, so if it is a good teaching experience maybe my husband would like to work there. Keep in touch ladies. I am so jealous that you will be able to see Diaa and Carol's new baby when it is born.
If you could all be praying. Some guys from our sunday school class went climbing on Mt. Hood this weekend and there was an accident. One guy walked off the Mt., one guys is at the hopsital scheduled for an jaw operation and other other guy (who doesn't go to our church) isn't doing so well. Please be praying for their recovery and their emotional well being, it was really traumatic for them all and hit really close to our church community. God is good and in control, his guiding hand watchs each step we take.
I love you all so very much, without this blog I don't know how well we would have all kept connected. I thought I would include another picture of Brad and I from our backpacking trip last weekend.
Oh and who is the other person going to cairo??? You all need to stay there at least two years so we can hang out when Brad and I get there :-)
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