السبت، يونيو ١٧، ٢٠٠٦

Another Return to Masr

Well, it's about time I posted, and here I am. I wanted to share some exciting news with you all, and I'm finally getting a chance to do it. A few months ago, after much contemplation and consideration and prayer, I decided to apply for the MESP internship. Last week I talked with Dr. Dave on the phone and found out that I will be following in Emily's footsteps this August as the new MESP female intern. Her shoes are big ones to fill, but as I had a great example of an intern in her, and a great example in all of you of how amazing a group can be, I have a good foundation from which to start! I found out today that I'm leaving August 8 (arriving August 10) and I will be living with none other than our dear Jenna, which makes me even more excited. As you know, she's teaching in Heliopolis (and will be making the long commute from Agouza every morning) and I'm so glad she's willing to do that because she's going to make a great roommate. Turns out another of our MESP friends will be in Cairo too, which is also great, but I'll let him post about that because I don't want to ruin his news. I'm so grateful for this blog and for the chance to keep up with all of you and I would love all of your prayers for and during the coming year.

Right now I'm home for the summer, newly graduated, and I was previously planting potatoes in a greenhouse and am going to start mowing lawns for a landscaping company on Monday (I get a lot of teasing about having a BA and mowing lawns, but it's a good job, and I think I'll like it, so I can handle it).

I also wanted to let all of you know about something in case any of you are interested in returning to the Middle East this coming year and need a way to do so. Before I found out about the MESP internship, I was also looking at volunteering for SOS Children's Villages at one of their sites in Bethlehem. SOS Children's Villages (an organization which you can check out at http://www.sos-childrensvillages.org/) runs "villages" all over the world - they have one in Cairo as well. I know the sister of the girl who is currently volunteering in Bethlehem and I was in contact with her about possibly taking over her position this coming year. She said basically what they want is a native English speaker who can hang out with the kids, play games, organize activities, etc. You live right in the village, and it sounds like a great opportunity. I don't think the position itself pays, but they pay for your plane ticket and your accomodations, so you also wouldn't have many costs. I'm not sure if the position is still open but if any of you are interested in this, you can email Anne Venhuizen (the current volunteer) at annemven@gmail.com. You can also email the regional director of the Children's Villages in Cairo - his name is Sebastian Corti and his address is sebastian-corti@sos-kdme.org. He's the one who officially hires/appoints the volunteers. You don't need to know Arabic before you go (Anne didn't know any) but I'm sure they'd love to hear that you already know some. Just thought I'd throw that out there in case anyone was interested!

In other news, I know that most of the world is consumed with soccer at the moment, but my city (and country) has been obsessed with hockey, so I would just like to say GO OILERS!!!! :)

Love you all and hope you're well.


Blogger Margaret said...

Mabruka, habibi! And you get to live with Jenna! Don't worry, I have a B.A. and make smoothies for 40 hours a week--nothing to be ashamed of.

Goilers! We've been watching the series closely from here in Winnipeg. Tonight should be a good game.

١:٤٩ ص  
Blogger Marcia M. Ghali said...

Yeahhh! Congratulations and a big wet kiss. So many fabulous people back in Cairo. There is a girl that is going to live with me in the Spring that is going to be your MESPer this fall...Margie Davis.

٦:٤٣ م  

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