الاثنين، يونيو ٠٥، ٢٠٠٦

A Michigan Wedding and Strange Dreams

First of all, who's in on Liz's wedding? There's a bus leaving from Iowa. Get yourself here and you've got a ride. Rumor has it Clarie, Cecka, and Chelsea will probably be on my bus and we'll probably be pretty hot at the wedding. The aforementioned can affirm or deny the details above.Well, I guess now there is on'y one seat left in the car. Andrew Kroeze...how does a weekend with the girls sound to you?

Guys, its been all long, long time since we were all together. I had this really weird dream last week. I can't really remember the details. You were all at my house. All 25 of us (including Emily). Except my house was Anafora. Maybe if I dream it long enough it'll happen. Paul was especially prominent in my dream. Maybe we'll here from him someday.

I wrote all of that last week and then got interupted, not sure what else I felt like I needed to add. I'm starting to get into the swing of summer. I have an internship at a Rufugee Cooperative in the mornings. A lot of our clients spent time in Cairo before they were resettled in the U.S. so I have little conversations with them in Arabic which helps win them over. Also, a couple nights a week I am working as a resident assistant at a shelter for women (mostly who were recently released from prison) not sure exactly what I got myself into with that one...I will learn how to give breathalizers and UVs next week.

I think that's all the news from me. Hope to see a lot of you at Liz's wedding this summer.

