الأحد، نوفمبر ٢٧، ٢٠٠٥

Thanksgiving in Iowa

Well, here we are in Des Moines, Iowa a foreshadowing of things to come. Claire Thurman is sitting beside me in my basement reading a book about Jerusalem. We've pretty much had a fabulous Thanksgiving break and have thought of you often in these past days. Mornings begin with Bileela and today I found Yellow Label Lipton tea at a little grocery store downtown. I made Claire watch a musical on Wednesday and I think she secretly loved it. We've been thinking about New Year's eve and I think its time to add a little organization to this choas. If you're coming please stand up and be counted--tell me when and where you are arriving. Claire and I were also talking about making tenative plans for our days (eating, activities, ect..) so if you have ideas of things you want to do let me know. Whose bringing the towla? Apple tobacco? The Dordt kids are doing a run to the Omaha airport to pick up Lindsay and Amber. What day is that? Also, here's my vital information so you can mapquest me:

14072 Lakeview Dr.
Clive, IA

cell: 515.371.0627
home: 515.224.1812
school: 765.998.0812

Okay Claire has now taken the microphone...I feel like one of these days I'll post on the blog under my own name, but today is not that day. I'd like to reiterate what Marcia said...this morning was the second morning in a row we ate bileela!! And, we are thinking of y'all often. It's true, I'm reading about Jerusalem...how King Abdullah kinda screwed the East Jerusalemers by diverting all resources and attention to Amman in the early 1950's. I'm going to be hosting a discussion group about the Middle East next weekend; I'm pretty excited about it.
Has anyone seen Paradise Now? I saw it last weekend. I've been thinking about it a lot and trying to process it and talk about it carefully to people who haven't seen it, but I'm also recommending it because I think it is a very well-done movie. If it's available, we'll have it to watch over New Years together.
Alright folks. I'm out, back to the books and my sister Marcia.

Its Marcia again. One more thing. I know there are people who don't regularly check the blog so I'm going to send an informative email to the whole group. Does anyone have everyone's emails already typed out so I can just copy and paste? Thanks folks. That's it for now. Much love from the Midwest.

and as Margaret would say...P in the ME

Marcia and Claire.


Blogger Margaret said...

yes, I'm quoted in your post! P in the ME! I have a new email address, please include it in your list: mdenboer@gmail.com

٥:٢١ ص  
Blogger Lindsay said...

The run to the Omaha airport is on Wednesday, December 28th.
And I have some pomegranite tobacco I haven't opened yet. so I'll bring that! :) all of my apple is gone though.. so sad.

٦:٣٥ ص  
Blogger Dunkleburger said...

holy cow batman, i love pomegranties!

٤:٤٢ م  
Blogger Margaret said...

أزال أحد مشرفي المدونة هذا التعليق.

٤:٣٠ ص  
Blogger Margaret said...

I just remembered that my family has backgammon--that's practically towla when translated into Arabic. I'll bring it.

٤:٣٢ ص  

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