الأربعاء، مايو ٠٤، ٢٠٠٥

Hey guys,

So, here is the story: yesterday we went to the holocaust museum (it was just a bit zionist) and had a great time learning and even talking to an Auschwitz survivor. We walked through basically at our own pace and finished at different times. At the end we found that there were six of us, only we had started with seven. Where was Marcia? We waited for about an hour and then realized we should go looking. Various terrible possibilities raced through our minds, but we figured nobody would be kidnapped at the holocaust museum. so we set out wandering through a giant park calling Marcia's name- but no Marcia was to be found. Monica, with tears in her eyes, begged one of the security officers for help, who proceeded to ask, "What do you want me to do?" We knew we would have to find her on our own. Barrett got on the telephone and called various hostels and the operator (who gave us the wrong number to our own hostel). After about an hour and a half of searching, four of the six of us returned to our hostel to find Marcia lying on the couch leisurely reading and eating candy. Meanwhile, Barrett and Monica (it's okay to pair off in-between sexes here) waited behind in case Marcia would show up. After an hour of no contact with the group, they returned in a taxi to find everyone sitting and eating falafel sandwiches (it had been eight hours since they had eaten and left for the museum). Oh Marcia...

Speaking of food, our meals here have consisted mainly of peanut butter (thanks to Monica) and bread that definitely outdoes Aish. Our dinners have been mostly falafel, trying to keep the budget low. Two nights ago, though, we decided to go out for one fantastic meal. We splurged on Thai food, coca-cola and Carlsberg beer (covenant what?). It was well worth it - although Andrew U realized his distaste for beer -at least Carlsberg. Maybe he'll try other kinds in the future.

A few other highlights have been walking around the Orthodox sector of Jerusalem where boys walk around looking funny with their wonderful hair, seeing Arafat's compound and grave in Ramallah, visiting Berzeit University and chatting with students in the West Bank. We also went to Masada, Jericho, and the Dead Sea again.

When everyone else was in the West Bank, Josiah had an Armenian day. As he had already been to Ramallah and made friends with Arafat, he decided to connect with his fellow bretherin, right here in Jru. He went to the Armenian sector, visited the Armenian Museam, and ate at the Armenian Tavern. He had a great time, but was a little bummed that no other Armenians seemed particularly excited that he was trying to learn about his heritage. Whatever...

Andrew squared, Barrett, and J-stoke... Peace!