الجمعة، أبريل ٢٩، ٢٠٠٥

So I'm back in the ole Sioux Center, Iowa. The first thing I noticed when I woke up at 1:00 this afternoon was how clean and quiet the streets are here. I missed the donkeys and taxis. I spent the day at Dordt, mostly answering the question, "how was Egypt?" It's hard to know what to say, so I say "excellent." I think that I haven't really processed the fact that I'm back in Amreeka now. Tomorrow I'll wake up in Agouza, right? Anyway, I just wanted to write on here to tell you all that I'm home safely, miss you guys a tonne, and wish I could be in Israel with those of you who are there now (but I'm happy to be home too--for now.)

Hope you're all well