الأربعاء، ديسمبر ٢١، ٢٠٠٥

I'm back

Hey guys, I resurrected my blogger account, il hamdulila (? spelling seems pretty bad...). Logging on here makes me miss you guys all even more. When I'm not connected, I feel like I have fond memories but it also feels surreal, like it didn't happen. But when I hear about what's going on in your lives now, it makes me want to be with you. And when I went to see Syriana the other night I got tears in my eyes when they opened it with the call to prayer. I wasn't really impressed with the movie overall, but it was fun to hear some Arabic and understand a little bit. My prayers are with you guys for the holiday season and I hope your reunion is spectacular. Maybe if we do a reunion #2 I'll have more time to go :-) Lots of Love