الأحد، ديسمبر ١٨، ٢٠٠٥

I. Miss. Egypt

But most of all, all of you.

I haven't been very productive today and it's my own stupid fault. The only thing I have left to do before I have officially finished all of my work for Dordt is put together a portfolio of the stuff I did while student teaching. It's all done mostly, but it's taking forever to pull together. It will be finished soon, though. I think the perfectionist in me is coming out on this one, making the process taking much longer than it should.

Josiah is in Iberia participating in riots, and I'm here in little old Sioux Center. My colsolation is that it's approximately 10 days until I get to see more than two of you in one place! I'm excited about Amber coming. Ambeeer! And everyone else who is going to be there too. I can't even count you all in me head because it's overwhelming!

End. Post.


Blogger Dunkleburger said...

i miss egypt too...

١:١٦ ص  

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