الخميس، يونيو ١٦، ٢٠٠٥

Newberg, Oregon Apartment K

Izayik? 3amala eey? Intee mabsoota? Ha Ok enough Arabic for you guys for the day!

The wedding was wonderful, missed not having you guys there, but your interest in coming means a lot to me. Having Lindsay and Bethany there was great. If you want to see our wedding pictures view this web site sometime after July 4th :
www.tjphotography.com Username: christensen password: jun04

The honeymoon was so very fun. We went on a lot of hikes, watched movies, went out for dinner, slept in, looked out our balcony onto a beautiful scene of small hills and a peaceful bay. I got sick though with a bad cold so that sucked but it didn't really slow us down much. We went to Victoria B.C for my birthday and that was fun. My birthday kind of paled in the shadow of getting married. :-)

So I have been married for 11 days and we love it. Some days it feels like we have been married forever and other days it feels like it just happend yesterday. Brad just left for class (he started the Masters in Teaching program on monday and is in class from 8-4 everyday). It has been interesting to be the "housewife", staying home, cooking, cleaning......the first day I hated it. But I was just wanting to be back on the honeymoon and didn't want the reality of real life to hit. Unpacking all our crap has taken a while, but I think I can say that we are finally set up (pretty much). I will take some pictures so you can see what our new flat looks like.
My Washington state driver's license expired while we were on the honeymoon....and now I am without a license...NOT FUN! Makes me feel really suck at home. But I can't really do anything about it until my certified marriage license comes in the mail that states my new married name. I tell you boys have it really easy, I have a lot to do to get this name changed and become an Oregon resident. The job search has really sucked! I almost had a job at this NGO and then they said that they had to do an internal hire but they really would have liked to have me....I guess that makes me feel kind of good. Without a license and not being able to drive has slowed down the job search. Oh well I can do that next week, I really hate job searching!

Well I should get going, I have a million thank yous to write for wedding gifts. If anyone wants my phone number here it is: 503 538 4581
love you all!