الأحد، أبريل ٠٢، ٢٠٠٦

Palestinian Story Project (Working Title)

No, this is NOT the name of some cool project we discovered on the internet, it's the working title of something amazing we want to do. (Oh, by the way, this is Claire, Margaret, and Dena - yes, we're all together here at Dordt - we know you're jealous).
So anyway, about the PSP. We've been discussing how important it is for the world to know the many untold stories of Palestinian refugees - especially those of Elias Chacour's generation, those who left in 1948 and who are now in the evening of their lives. We want to get to know these people and learn their stories and tell them in a responsible, beautiful, truthful, powerful and meaningful way. It's all sort of nebulus right now (i.e in the VERY beginning stages) but we have a dream of a collaborative effort, beginning with MESP alumni, of people who want to work towards a finished product - a book, a magazine, a movie, SOMETHING - that is a collection of these stories. Whether it's us gathering and translating these stories, whether it's us working from America and finding funding and connections, whether it's giving Palestinians the resources to tell their own stories (through words, art, music, etc.), it would involve group(s) of us travelling to places such as Jordan and Lebanon and living among these people and gathering their stories. This project will involve numbers of different people at all different times, coordinating talents, gifts, time, abilities, funds, and so on over a number of years to get all of this together. We're thinking grants, bursaries, "scholarships", and whatever other money we can find (loans?) to do this but we think it's realistic, and we have just enough idealism to make it work. Claire's class (those who are presently juniors) still have a year of school to go, so this next year would be our year of brainstorming and planning until all of them graduate - this year would be the time to form an anchor/core group of people, those who want to establish the specific details and figure out the logistics of the project. We want you ALL to really think about this and we want to know what you think! You can have as much or as little involvement as you want, whether it's from home or from across the sea, whether you're planning on continuing studying Arabic, or whether you want to look for connections in America with publishing firms, donors, and so on.
Right before we left Cairo, Dr. Dave asked us the equivalent of, "How now shall we live?" and this is the beginning of our response, part of a dream, but we think it's a good one and we want to know what you, our beloved Egypt friends, think.
We love you all - goodnight and good luck.


Blogger Dunkleburger said...

أزال أحد مشرفي المدونة هذا التعليق.

١١:١٣ م  
Blogger Dunkleburger said...

oo,oo,oo pick me, pick me...
i'd just like to say that i was there at dordt having a fantabulous time too. however, my involvement in this PSP was limited to a chinese dinner.

١١:١٥ م  
Blogger Chels said...

count me in.

I am very seriously moving towards joining the Peace Corps in the fall of 2007. Currently, my plan is to request placement in either Jordan or Morocco.

As my plans develop, as do yours for this project of sorts, keep me informed. It would be great if the North Africa, or particularly the Middle East, ends up being where I reside for a spell.

way to move, guys.

٨:٤١ م  
Blogger Heather Joy said...

Wow, this sounds awesome. Could there be room for my camera to become part of this project?

٨:٤١ م  
Blogger Marcia M. Ghali said...

me too

١١:٥٩ م  

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