الاثنين، يوليو ١٨، ٢٠٠٥

Just a little koshari

I had my first koshari making experience tonight (well, I'm sort of still having it since cooking rice does not seem to be my forte - it's still on the stove). When I tasted the lentils to see if they were done, I realized how much I missed the sensory experience of Egypt. Well, maybe not the part about having black snot from the pollution... I learned a valuable lesson. Don't try to cook too much at once. I had to throw out half of my chocolate biscotti because it burned while the koshari was in process. :-( But I'd be happy to share the rest - Who's coming over?
I've got enough koshari to last me for at least the week since my parents are visiting homes in SC where they hope to move and I'm the only one who will be eating it all. Many many meals ahead.
Not too much else going on here. I finished Harry Potter yesterday after buying it at a midnight release. It definitely wasn't my favorite of the series and may be near the bottom, but it's too soon to tell. At least it's providing lots of material for thought. I've been working at a day care I worked at 3 years in high school this summer. It's sometimes fun, sometimes exhausting, sometimes frustrating, and usually interesting. Chris has been in Uganda for a bit over a week now. There's a few pictures of his team if anyone wants to see at http://teenmissions.org/gallery/view_photo.php?set_albumName=Team-Photos&id=05032_Uganda and http://teenmissions.org/gallery/view_photo.php?set_albumName=Team-Photos&id=IMG_3080 and http://teenmissions.org/gallery/view_photo.php?set_albumName=Team-Photos&id=IMG_3097 . He'll be back August 18th around the time of my family's move. I forgot to mention that our house sold too. It was on the market for 8 days which is incredible. So we need to be out by the end of August and preferably a bit before. Guess I'll see what happens. I hope you guys are doing well - I certainly think of you often and when I look at pictuers that's when I get really sad. Inshaallah, there's New Years. :-) Love, Heather Joy