Mirror lake

WOW I hadn't checked the blog in a week and I feel like I missed out on A LOT! you guys have all been busy: cooking, getting boyfriends, hanging out with friends, eating, talking about the ME. :-)
I love you all a lot. Margaret we need a picture of your man so we can have a face to put with the name. So far I like him! Chelsea your hair is so long...wow inty bint gamela awee (does any body remember any arabic)! One ne3ma sandwich to anyone who knows what i just said (just kidding about the sandwich, but you will have my love :-)
I am warming up to make Kousharie this week sometime...maybe tongiht. It just makes my house smell like onions for a WEEK. :-) Brad and I had a really FUN weekend. We went snow shoeing up at Mt. Hood and had a blast. We were able to borrow the snow pass, snow clothes and snow shoes from friends which made it free! God has created some beautiful places on this earth. Seeing huge mountains and frozen forests you can't help but revel in His wonder and majesty. Heaven is going to be so SO COOL. Enjoy the pictures.
أزال أحد مشرفي المدونة هذا التعليق.
I got it - I got it! "You are a very beautiful woman". Yesss... now I get Emily's love (and a ne3ma sandwich in my dreams). Unless of course I translated wrong. Then I'll look like a fool.
I love the pictures Emily, and I love snowshoeing - I'm jealous! I hear Oregon's getting a cold snap; hope you stay warm!
no, no. it means "what an ugly chick in the yellow shirt!" Dena, you should have paid better attention in Arabic class.
DENA WAS RIGHT...but good try Chelsea! :-) So chelsea has a boyfriend huh??
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